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Friday 22 March 2013

Workout Charts Can Assist you In Improving your Muscle Building Program

The aim of weight training is to develop strength, increase muscles and help one enjoy a great body shape. The valleys and peaks of muscle building workout can be determined and corrected with the aid of a weight lifting diary.

There normally is a basic level from where everybody begins, but body and muscle building differ from case to case. A number of weightlifters enhance their physical fitness quicker than other individuals. Weight lifting registers may disclose the advancements made, and the time frame required in between results.

A weight training register is one way to determine whether you are making strides with your gym work or not. If you do not maintain an accurate exercise register, an evaluation of your success is almost impossible.

If the exercise diary does not exhibit the physical impacts that you wanted, you have to modify your training program and recognize the probable errors that you are making. For instance, perhaps you are training too hard. Many novice bodybuilders make this all too common mistake.

Workout charts can be organized in several ways. A customary procedure is to write the time and date of your work out. Then, have columns for the exercise (ex. squats or db press), quantity of sets, number of repetitions per set and the resistance or amount of weights being lifted. Resistance increases instead of dates exercised, would be another way to organize the personal fitness chart.

Training logs are very easy to find, just search the Web, and make changes to a workout sheet to fit your needs, and then print it. You can paste this on your browser for a sample workout chart: http://www.xtremefitnessweb.com/fitness_weightloss_healthclub_rochesterny/id25.html

Make room for a spot in your journal to jot down your body weight approximately once a week. Even if body weight is not normally relevant for muscle building, it is helpful especially if you want to eliminate body fat and build in its place lean muscle.

Remember to allow for a cardiovascular section in your weight training logbook too. Your cardiovascular workouts can be documented in relation to your objectives. For example, researches have shown that the cardio exercises reduce a persons strength when performed before weight training.

Your mood is also a factor to consider in the success of your training. Record how you feel in your register. This way, you can determine if your success or failures are affected by your feelings.

The time of day can also alter your training success. For instance, if you observed on your logbook that at 5 p.m. on Mondays, you train better than at 10 am, that tells that you have found a perfect training time. Try to stick to that exercise timeframe from now on.

Normally, valuable observations can be derived from your log if you study the workout register entries for 4-5 weeks in a row. Let us study a journal and determine how you should make sense of it.

While on your last training, you pressed 205 pounds in eight sets. On your concurrent training session, you still hit 205 pounds but with nine reps. If you had stayed at the same number of repetitions and resistance, there would be no growth in muscle mass and strength. You will, therefore, plateau and stop progressing toward your goal.

In the above example, if you failed at seven reps, now would be a good time to analyze your journal. You could ask these questions to yourself: Did I workout at the same time before? If so, did it alter my strength? Did I have sufficient food to eat? And more...

Weight training is not enough for complete muscle development, and many people tend to overlook this important aspect. Wellness, healthy food choices, hygiene and enough rest all play an important role in your physical development.
 By: Edwin Basilio

Bio: Planet Fitness Rochester NY, RAC for Women and Zumba fitness classes in Rochester NY provide fitness classes and services to its members. Article Submission by Article Submission Express

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