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Thursday 21 March 2013

How Many Calories Does Your Body Need

It is said that grown up males should get at least 2550 calories per day. For the ladies it is about 2000 calories approximately.

These figures are for normal, grown-up males and females. If someone is a sports-person or is involved in heavy work then the figures will differ for that person. Similarly, people who have some health or medical problem may also have slightly different calorie needs.

If you want to lose weight, then cut down on calorie consumption gradually. Many people make the mistake of trying to cut down calories drastically. This is likely to cause immense weakness and a host of other health problems.

Always remember to be careful that the daily calorie requirements are fully met. Otherwise your body cannot function in a healthy manner. It cannot survive on very less calories. It needs high amount of energy for proper functioning.

Due to this reason, you should stay away from crash diets. These are very bad for you as they drastically cut down on calories. It will have a big effect on your metabolism rate. When the metabolism rate slows down, further weight loss will become extremely difficult.

How to Effectively Reduce Calorie Consumption?

You need to have a plan in order to proceed with calorie cutting. A properly formulated plan will make the task easier for you. Consult an expert so that they can develop a diet plan for you. Other option would be to choose a healthy diet plan which already exists in the market. There are some good ones you can choose from.

The best strategy is to reduce maximum 500 calories from daily diet. Don't try to reduce more than that initially. After you get used to this, then try to reduce another 500 calories. Always remember not to put extreme burden on your body.

A good diet plan will be of immense help in such cases. The experts will develop a step by step plan and hand it down to you. Now your task will become easier as you don't have to guess anything. You will just need to follow those instructions.

So you can save time and headache by following a good weight loss plan. You need a solid diet plan in order to lose weight in a healthy manner. However you should avoid unhealthy weight loss plans. Choose a plan wisely and also try to see the feedback of other users.

By: Sysmakh Bio: Read about best ways to lose belly fat. Watch this video - lose weight fast in 10 days. Article Submission by Article Submission Express YouTube - Videos from this email

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